Important element for integration

13. October 2015

On 1 October 2015 the learning mentor project of the help alliance started in Hamburg

15 pupils with a migration background, the vocational preparation classes of the state vocational school G19 in Hamburg Bergedorf, met for the first time with their future learning mentors of Lufthansa Technik. The aim of the integration project is to prepare young refugees individually for their professional life and to provide them with targeted support.

The concept of preparatory classes for migrants, with tailored career planning, workshops for job applications and assistance with dealing with the authorities, has been in place since 1995. Even then, the aim was to give the pupils a sense of security and support so that they could learn a profession and stand on their own feet.

This concept is now supplemented by learning mentorships in which the pupils benefit from the personal support of a learning mentor.

When we launched an appeal at Lufthansa Technik a few months ago to find mentors, we were overwhelmed by the response. Within a few days more than 30 volunteers responded, and unfortunately we were not able to accommodate all of them.

Beim Festakt am 01. Oktober zum Start unseres neuen help alliance Projekts, übergab Schirmherrin Vivian Spohr, Schirmherrin unserem Partner basis & woge zudem einen Scheck über rund 31 000 Euro.

In ihrem Grußwort machte Spohr deutlich, dass es einer gemeinsamen Anstrengung aller bedürfe, um die hunderttausenden Flüchtlinge zu versorgen und zu integrieren. „Die help alliance und Gesellschaften der Lufthansa Group engagieren sich auf vielfältige Weise in der akuten Nothilfe“, sagte die Schirmherrin. Allerdings sei es damit nicht getan. „Deshalb engagieren wir uns auch verstärkt in Deutschland in langfristigen Projekten.“