Donations in kind for refugees

08. October 2015

In the last few days, donations in kind could be handed over to various refugee shelters

The winter in Germany and the cold nights associated with it are getting closer and closer. The demand for warming blankets in the refugee homes is therefore very high. Thanks to the great support of the LSG subsidiary SPIRIANT, several thousand Lufthansa blankets that had been taken out of service from the on-board supply could be handed over to the Malteser Hilfsdienste in Frankfurt in the last few days. 300 blankets were brought directly by help alliance to the project “Stern des Südens e.V.” in Flörsheim, which is concerned with the support of children with a migration background. Donations of clothes that were in demand have already been handed over to this project.

In addition, 18,000 amenity kits and 12,000 Nivea tins were provided. All donations in kind have been made available to the refugee aid organisations free of charge by SPIRIANT. These are articles that have been taken out of service.

A big thank you goes to SPIRIANT’s commitment and to all those who helped to bring the donations from the warehouses to the places where they are so urgently needed.