help alliance once again part of the RTL-Spendenmarathon

18. November 2022

Together with Mastercard and RTL, we are campaigning for girls in Nepal


This year, help alliance was once again involved in the RTL-Spendenmarathon! In the studio in Cologne, project manager Thomas Brockenauer (Lufthansa Product Management) presented the project “Gender-friendly Schools”, which is supported by Marene Arnold from Mastercard Germany with 200,000 euros. The goal of the project is to improve the hygienic situation at 70 schools in rural Nepal in the long term. Because not only poverty is a big problem in the country: old, rooted traditions, such as the exclusion of women who have their period, are also a problem. Girls who have their periods are considered “impure” and are not allowed to be with their families during this time and are forced to sleep on a bast mat in the goat shed. Girls are also not allowed to attend school during this time. But the schools also lack running water and separate toilets, which ultimately leads to girls dropping out of school more often than boys.

With the donations we have collected, and with the support of Mastercard and the “Stiftung RTL – Wir helfen Kindern e.V.” (RTL Foundation – We help children), we thus want to help girls in Nepal to feel comfortable in their school and to be able to learn without worries. In addition, the aim is not only to provide girls with running water and their own toilets, but also to carry out comprehensive educational work among the population. Indirectly, almost 100,000 people would benefit from this.

We would like to thank all supporters and donors so far and hope that more donations will be received in the course of the RTL telethon in order to reach this goal.


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Presenter and journalist Janin Ullmann travelled to Nepal as a project sponsor for the "Stiftung RTL - Wir helfen Kindern e.V.".

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Kerstin Krowas
Contact (069) 696 – 696 70