help alliance goes Virtual Reality

06. December 2018

New 360° video of the help alliance brings the project “A Safe and Secure Home for Children” in Ghana to life

What is the best way to convey the passion and commitment of Lufthansa Group employees who, as help alliance project coordinators, are committed to helping disadvantaged people around the world? The best way is to visit the projects on site. However, this possibility is unfortunately very limited for many reasons. That’s why help alliance came up with something. From now on it is possible to immerse yourself in the “A Safe and Secure Home for Children” project in Ghana without having to travel to the African country.

The keyword is: 360° video or Virtual Reality (VR). With the new technology, the viewer can experience at first hand what help alliance is doing on site – and thus also encourage donations. This wonderful new opportunity to visit the project was made possible by Lufthansa Group Communication. A big thank you for that.

But even without VR glasses, the video gives an intensive impression of the project by Lufthansa purser Iris Sandhof.

How can I watch the video?

Scan the QR code and open the link in the YouTube app (you may have to download the app beforehand).

Important: Only if you play the video in the app can you use the full possibilities of 360° technology by moving your mobile phone in space.

If you open the video in your browser, these functions are not available.

Immerse yourself and have fun visiting the project in Ghana!

Ghana, Sicheres und schönes Zuhause für Kinder
Scan QR-Code for 360° video

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