A new house in Panama

09. March 2016

Within two days on 3 and 4 March, around 50 Lufthansa employees built a house for a family of seven in need in the village of Las Margaritas near Panama City

To complete the house in two days, the participants had to work hard and work as a team, and when the keys were handed over at the end of the second day, the participants were almost as happy as the family. The key was passed on by the participants and finally handed over to Mother Hermalinda. She unlocked the new door and the family was able to visit their new house, fully furnished for the first time. Papi Cabezón Checho thanked the helpers with joy: “I am so grateful that all these wonderful people are building this new house for my family and me.”


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Our patron Vivian Spohr also lent a hand. “We are delighted that with help alliance we could not only help the family but also bring together employees of the Lufthansa Group to realize this extraordinary project. It shows what is possible when people work together. This is a great example of the corporate culture within the Lufthansa Group,” said Vivian Spohr. Participant Rolf Pilgram confirmed: “It was nice to feel immediately how something good was created. To experience the gratitude of the family was definitely an experience that makes you feel humble.”