Lars runs for Ibrahim

26. July 2015

Ibrahim wants to become an import-export merchant

Ibrahim grew up in the Chereponi district. He never knew another life. But Ibrahim has a big dream: he wants to be independent and he wants to start his own business! The Chereponi district is located in north-eastern Ghana and directly on the border to Togo. Many of the goods that are produced and sold in Chereponi reach much higher prices at the togolese markets. The same applies to other goods from Togo, which can be sold profitably in Ghana. Ibrahim wants to use this and start his own import-export trade business. However, he can not do this alone, because his lack of the financial means he has no way of getting a car to transport the goods or even purchase the first goods. That’s why he needs a loan for € 1,000 to start his business.

Lars wants to help him, and therefore runs the Mauerweglauf to raise funds. All donations will be used to start a revolving micro loan fund.