New start with computer courses

Kibera, Nairobi - Kenya

CARO Foundation is a community-based organization that takes a holistic approach to helping young people in Kibera, improving the lives of everyone in this poorest neighborhood of Nairobi.  

Project Information
Project Location
Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya
Weltkarte Punkt Afrika
Main Focus
Creating career prospects
Project duration
Since 2022
Target Group
Children, teenagers and young adults from Kibera
Sustainable Development Goals

Main goals: SDG 8

Subsidiary goals: SDG 4





Project Background

Kibera is considered the largest informal settlement in Africa with an estimated population of between 170,000 – 1 million people. Living conditions are extremely precarious, with an average of 8 people living together in one household, often without access to electricity, toilets or showers. Due to the lack of sanitation, diseases can spread easily. In addition, almost half of Kibera’s inhabitants are unemployed, making alcoholism, violence and crime a major problem. These circumstances also contribute to the difficulty children and young people have in accessing quality education. For example, if children’s families cannot afford school fees and uniforms, children are denied access to schooling and future educational opportunities. Thus, like their parents, the children run the risk of falling into the vicious cycle of poverty, which is difficult to overcome. The CARO Foundation recognized these problems as early as 2008 and is therefore committed to counteracting the causes of poverty (education, health and income) as early as possible. This is done through a holistic approach that includes the provision of various educational opportunities as well as sports and health education.   

Target Group

The main target group are youth and children from Kibera. The youngest children in the program are 5 years old and participate in the sports programs. The older children and adolescents also benefit from the sports programs, the library and the mentoring program. Young adults and people old enough to enter the workforce benefit from activities such as computer classes, job training and design thinking courses. However, the project aims to improve the living conditions of all people in Kibera through the activities.   

Project Coordinator

Project Goals

The main goal of the project is to improve living conditions and fight poverty in the Kibera slum. This will be achieved by giving more people access to quality education, improving the employability of community members, and helping them find better paying jobs. To achieve this goal, CARO Foundation offers children the opportunity to use the in-house library and children with special needs receive active tutoring. To keep the children physically fit, they can also attend various sports courses such as soccer, ballet and modern dance. In order to enable the young people to start a successful professional life, a microcredit program is offered in addition to computer courses, which serves as a financial start-up aid for their own business idea. Since the hygienic conditions in Kibera are extremely poor, the CARO Foundation offers showers and washrooms for residents of all ages. To address the problem of poor sanitation and waste disposal, the project organizes regular garbage collection drives. This reduces the risk of disease for Kibera residents and raises their standard of living. Another positive effect is the creation of jobs through the waste management initiative “Klinbera“, which charges a small fee per week in return for collecting the residents’ garbage.   

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Contact Persons
Project Portfolio Management
Laura Single
Contact (069) 696 – 696 70