International Women’s Day 2022 #BreakTheBias

08. March 2022

Under the motto #BreakTheBias, a global signal will be sent against gender bias

Even in these difficult times, let’s not forget that our world is still rife with stereotypes and discrimination against women. Unconscious gender bias feeds into decision-making and undermines progress towards gender equality, preventing women worldwide from reaching their full potential.

Therefore, it is our duty to fight for a diverse, just, and inclusive world, even beyond the annual International Women’s Day.

On this special day, however, we are very proud that so many of our help alliance projects from around the world have joined the global call to #BreakTheBias. To increase the recognition value of #BreakTheBias, there is also the gesture with the folded arms in addition to the hashtag.

See the in gallery below which of our projects participated in the campaign.