The help alliance song is out!

18. December 2020

Just in time for Christmas the help alliance song “Let’s Get Together to Help the World” is released / Now available on all music services

Full of dedication, passion and musical talent, the two colleagues Marika (Lufthansa flight attendant) and Martin (Lufthansa captain) have been working intensively on this over the past months and now the time has finally come: we present the help alliance song “Let’s Get Together to Help the World”. Together with children from the help alliance project “Language Practice for Children with Migration Background” in Flörsheim and star musicians they wrote this song, practiced with the children, recorded and finally produced it.

“For us it was and is a project of the heart, because music and making music means a lot to us personally. It is always nice to see how music brings people together and if you can do something good at the same time, there is nothing better.”

– Marika & Martin, Lufthansa flight attendant and captain

Already in the first lines of the song, the current situation and feelings in this year of crisis are aptly described and at the same time give hope for the future:

It‘s not easy in this world / We all know how hard it is / All we have is hope / We open doors for boys and girls

As help alliance we are incredibly happy about this wonderful song and would like to thank all participants of this project! We can’t wait to use the new help alliance song for different occasions, formats and publications. And if you listened carefully to our TV appearance at the RTL Spendenmarathon a few weeks ago, you may have already heard the song.

"Let's Get Together to Help the World" Listen now & donate to help alliance!

The making of the help alliance song

We would like to let you participate in the wonderful story of the song’s making of in different ways. We will give you an insight into the production of the song, let the people involved have their say and show you how much fun and excitement the children and young people from Flörsheim had in the music studio.

Already today you have the opportunity to get to know Marika and Martin in the interview podacst and hear the story of the song from their perspective (unfortunately in German only). We are also currently working on a small documentary and since today the official trailer is online.

Have fun listening and watching & stay tuned!


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Official trailer for the making-of-documentation of the help alliance song